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Enuit adds C-Level focus to better support ETRM market and customers

Last week we met with Gary Vasey of ComTech Advisory to discuss Enuits restructure and promotion of several team members to C-Level to support it's ETRM clients and the ETRM market.

Below is an extract from Gary's original related post on

In mid-June, Enuit announced a management team reshuffle as a part of several structural changes and initiatives to support the company’s growth. This involved introducing a C-Level structure underneath the CEO and the President that is made up of new CPO, CIO and COO positions going forward. David Rao, Chunxing Shen and Ganesh Natarajan occupy those positions respectively. As a follow up, I talked to all three to learn a little more about their new roles and what it may mean for Enuit and its customers.

The CIO role was created mostly to support external hosting services Mr. Shen told me. It also includes internal IT management, controls, and global consolidation of dev. Ops. “The most critical right now is the external hosting services area,” he told me. “We have seen tremendous growth in hosting our software for customers who increasingly want their vendor to provide a turnkey solution. There are numerous challenges with this including our global customer base albeit with local data requirements and restrictions as well as a constant vigilance around security. My focus is on coordinating resources across the company internally and with our external partners for hosting and other services.”

Cloud hosting and managed services is gaining lot of traction and Enuit continues to innovate in that area.. “Enuit is also looking at new technology and will provide more and more cloud native software and services for its clients going forward. This will also mean a greater focus on the IT infrastructure side.” Mr. Shen was also pleased that Enuit had successfully gone through SOC2 auditing with external auditors and was continuing to work with the auditor to remain vigilant and up to date. It is also working to do something similar with ISO27001 as well as looking at GDPR compliance.

The position of CPO while new is something that Mr. Rao was doing in the past but has now been elevated to a more formal role. He points to Enuit’s rapid growth that is anticipated to continue apace requiring more formal product focus. “The role helps to formulate product strategy and ensure the company is staffed and able to reach the strategy. It also includes supporting existing customers and has a role in innovations on functionality and technology. This includes things like migrating to microservices and ecosystems and so on.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Natarajan sees his role as helping to structure Global operations especially to streamline sales, presales, service delivery and support operations. “How to feed knowledge gained through support and customer feedback into the product and ensure that we break down any silos whether geographic, functional or otherwise to ensure optimal operations across the business and for the customers is an area I’m very focused on,” he told me. “There is an immediate mandate to strengthen operations and that ties in with product development and the roadmap.” In the short-term, Mr. Natarajan is still also running Europe for Enuit and India.

All three executives see growth as both a driver for their roles as well as part of their objectives. Plainly, they are also focused on continual improvement of operations, strategy, and delivery as well but against a background of growth. In speaking with them one thing that came through loud and clear was that they were also focusing on lessons learned from previous roles and bringing their experiences to bear positively.

The original blog can be found here:






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